Stick to Guinness World Record rules to avoid our nation’s reputation  being tarnish


Stick to Guinness World Record rules to avoid our nation’s reputation being tarnish

It is with a mixed feelings of pride and disappointment that we reflect on recent attempts by Ghanaians to break Guinness World Records (GWR) records

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It is with a mixed feelings of pride and disappointment that we reflect on recent attempts by Ghanaians to break Guinness World Records (GWR) records in order to set new ones.

While the courage and determination of individuals such as broadcast journalist, Afua Asantewaa, and Chef Failatu Abdulai are commendable, their disqualification by GWR due to failure to adhere to the rules serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of diligent preparation.

The journey towards breaking a Guinness World Record is not merely about endurance, skill or massive support that seems to have been the focus but most importantly, adherence to stringent guidelines and rules which are not bent for anyone. 

Unfortunately, despite the dedication and efforts invested by Ghana’s contestants, the outcome so far indicates that they fell short of the   requirements, leading to their disqualification.

Take, for instance, the case of Chef Smith, who recently ended an astonishing 820-hour cooking marathon. His dedication and passion for his craft are undeniable. It would be a waste of time if he flouted any of the rules guiding his cooking marathon attempt, a situation that could see him being disqualified. 

Such a scenario would not only be heartbreaking for Chef Smith but also a missed opportunity for Ghana to celebrate a remarkable feat on the global stage.

As we continue to witness an influx of individuals eager to etch their names in the annals of history through Guinness World Records,  implores all  on-going and aspiring potential record-breakers to familiarize themselves with the rules governing their chosen endeavours and to adhere to them diligently to avoid failure .

 Let us not tarnish our nation’s reputation with avoidable mistakes but instead let us showcase the best of Ghanaian talent and resilience on the global stage. Let’s stick to the rules.