Should a woman sponsor her marriage rites?


Should a woman sponsor her marriage rites?

The greatest emotional need of a man is what he achieves in his career. But for most women, it is the quality and security in their marriages.&nbs

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The greatest emotional need of a man is what he achieves in his career.

But for most women, it is the quality and security in their marriages. 

Most Ghanaian women are, therefore, obsessed with marriage, especially weddings. Each day, each moment, most single women dream of their wedding – the dress, makeup, exchange of vows, photographs and reception.

Unfortunately, the obsession with marriage is compounded by the mindset of most Ghanaians that the only honour of a woman is marriage. Single adults, no matter how much they have achieved, do not get much respect.

Most Ghanaian women will, therefore, do all they can to get married. Some are known to have bought cars, air tickets and even houses for men in exchange for marriage and some get duped in the end.

A couple of years ago, a man in the Bono Region was arrested for duping 13 women. His strategy was to cash in on the greatest emotional need of a woman. He simply promised to wed them.

Some weeks later, he would go to each of them with up-to-date preparations and the bill for the wedding, and each of the women paid up in full! Today, many Ghanaian women would readily pay for the bride price and other costs just to be married. Is this right?

No, it is not right

In marriage, it is the man who goes in for the hand of the woman. In the Ghanaian tradition, the heart of marriage is the payment of the ‘tri nsa’, or head rum, by the man. A man must pay for this himself to take the pride that he has married the woman.

 Love costs and paying for the bride price is part of the price you pay for a woman you love. A man who cannot pay ‘tri nsa‘ is really not a man who is ready to marry. Allowing your woman to do what you are expected to do is simply surrendering your authority to the woman.

The one who pays the bills runs the show and threatens your self-esteem. Such a ceremony in the spirit of tradition lacks merit. A woman must also take pride in her womanhood and self-esteem.

If you pay for what a man is expected to pay, you simply tell the man you are being left off the shelf and have, therefore, put yourself on ‘donkomi’ or ‘reduction sale’.

In many cases that come to me, one sad thing that cuts across is that in the event of conflicts, the man is quick to say that the marriage was not his idea in the first place but it was the woman who forced it on him, which hurts a woman’s pride.