Kate Henshaw refutes the recent rumor of Olu Jacobs’ death, confirming that the actor is indeed alive.


Kate Henshaw refutes the recent rumor of Olu Jacobs’ death, confirming that the actor is indeed alive.

Another rumour of Olu Jacob's death spread on Nigerian social media on Sunday afternoon.For the umpteenth time, rumours about the ailing actor's deat

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Another rumour of Olu Jacob’s death spread on Nigerian social media on Sunday afternoon.
For the umpteenth time, rumours about the ailing actor’s death broke and circulated on Nigerian social media on the afternoon of Sunday, June 30, 2024.

Jacobs is currently bogged down by dementia as revealed by his actress wife Silva, during a conversation with Mercy Johnson on an episode of Mercy’s Menu in January 2023.
Silva saidshe committed Jacobs’ health to God in prayers and also adopted herbal medication.
She and the children have reportedly been looking after the thespian at home.

Meanwhile, since her revelation last year, rumours about the death of the ace actor and film executive have continued to surface on social media.

Responding to the Sunday episode, Henshaw confirmed that Jacobs is alive and kicking.
The actress also condemned the repeated peddling of rumours about the actor’s death, noting that it’s unfair to the family.
“📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌📌HOW YOU PEOPLE PUT UP RIP POSTS ABOUT SOMEONE WHO IS STILL ALIVE, YEAR IN YEAR OUT IS VERY SICKENING, TBH!!! You do this to this great man and his family ALL THE TIME!! It is all shades of wrong!! Stop for goodness sake!! UNCLE OLU JACOBS is ALIVE!!!” she said.