Do you envy your lover?


Do you envy your lover?

When you marry, you are supposed to be united and act as one flesh. You are a team and must support each other and make mutual decisions. The s

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When you marry, you are supposed to be united and act as one flesh.

You are a team and must support each other and make mutual decisions.

The success of one should be the success of both.

Unfortunately, this does not happen in many marriages.

Today, many partners seek to possess what their lovers have and may be disappointed if they do not get it.

This is envy; your mind and heart desire something that is possessed by your lover and you may have resentment and spite at seeing the success of your lover or other people in relationships.

Imagine the case of a lady who went home to break the good news of her promotion.

As she listed the facilities that came with her post, her husband did a quick arithmetic and found her wife would make twice his income.

The following week he resigned from his civil service job to go into business.

Apparently, his only target was to earn more than her wife. 

He had no money or business plan.

After six months at home doing nothing his marriage collapsed.

 This is envy for you!

Envy shows in two ways – internal and external.

In internal envy, a lover wishes to possess the traits, qualities and achievements of his or her lover.

In some cases, a lover sleeping better, having a higher post, earning more income, having a pleasant lifestyle, including dressing or having a higher social recognition can be a cause of envy of a lover.

There are also many cases of husbands who envy their own children because they have taken over the monopoly of the attention and sometimes the breasts of their wives!

In external envy, a lover looks beyond his or her marriage and focuses on the qualities of other marriages.

 A man may wish his wife was as beautiful as the other women he meets.